About Splashtastic Productions


Why have enemies when you can have friends?

from King Arthur: Legend of the Sword

Splashtastic Productions makes and sells online comedy videos. We believe in the power of cinema...to make money. Though it can’t buy happiness, money can make a lot of things easier, like making more movies. If you want to make movies and money with us, read on.

Our guiding principle: focus on the experience you want your audience to have.

We work with producers, actors, crew, and other team members to develop original comedy and action projects with compelling stories, catchy characters, vivid visuals, and unique artistic qualities that provide marketing leverage.

Typically we start with a pilot episode that is 15 to 30 minutes long. Views of the pilot are sold online which then bring in revenue to finance subsequent episodes. As each episode is produced and sold, each of them contributes revenue to more production.

To learn more about the movies we make, take a look at books derived from our screenplays on Mark’s Author Page.

Most of our work is live action. However, if you’re an animator or animation producer, read SKYLINER. Then let us know how you’d go about turning it into an animated feature and what you think it will cost. To give you an idea of our budgeting, THE WALLET was produced for $14,000. SPACEBERG cost us about $3,600. Our aim is to put together enough funding to pay team members to produce each episode as a four day shoot for around $25,000 per episode.

We like to work with people who demonstrate compassion, intellectual curiosity, and a habit of refining and expanding their skills. For our projects, it helps to be comfortable with working day by day to complete small scale comedy video projects that will be rented on line to bring in revenue. A well developed comic sensibility is a plus. An understanding of the artistic and technical opportunities and limitations of working on small scale video projects is a must.

We like to work with reasonable milestones and deadlines. That way, everyone involved in the project can coordinate their efforts, be motivated by what is accomplished, and know when they are done so they can move on to other projects.

If you’re a marketer, production manager, director, actor, video editor, audio editor, set designer, lighting designer, or otherwise skilled in making videos and are interested in making and selling Splashtastic style videos, contact Mark.

About the Founder

After years of computer programming for graphics, animation, video, games, and websites, Mark Martino began screenwriting in 1998 while programming scenes for LEISURE SUIT LARRY at Sierra On-Line. When his first three screenplays were ready, he wrote project proposals and started pitching. He now has over a dozen feature length screenplays and many short scripts that he's eager to get produced.

When writing and polishing a screenplay, Mark turns notes from other team members into creative improvements. Along with writing the screenplays, Mark acts as executive producer. He writes project proposals for the funding, production, and distribution of original long and short form movies. His proposals include a concept, logline, and treatment. He can also provide an estimated budget and schedule, a show bible, script breakdown, storyboards, shot lists, and call sheets.

Mark also draws storyboards, writes and draws advertising materials, and dreams up marketing schemes.

Ⓒ 2018 Mark F. Martino